“Dziedrs” builders team learned their trade in the early seventies
of the previous century while working in the Latvian Ethnographic
Open Air Museum. We examined the methodology of constructing wood
buildings while disassembling on location, then restoring and
reassembling them in the museum. The examination during these
processes allowed us to understand the benefits and weak points of
these very practical buildings. This has been an invaluable
education for our future work in building new wood homes. The
Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum has many, many types of wood
buildings. It is an invaluable source for architects and builders.
In the
Ethnographic Open Air Museum SIA “Dziedrs” has reconstructed such
unique buildings as the wings and gallery Pakalnu windmill, the
complex of the new farms from the 1920s, the stockyard from Kurzeme
and the Rizga threshing barn. The experience of many years has been
very valuable in building and restoring homes for many people in
various regions of Latvia.